
Language Multiplicity with Java

Java is the single greatest programming language in the history of mankind. One of the many reasons why is the way Java integrates with various other languages.

JRuby is a set of Java classes that implement the Ruby interpreter. This allows Ruby code to run within a Java application.

But Ruby's not the only interpreted language that gets to play with Java. Python also has libraries to run its code from within Java. Its creative name is Jython...

Moving on from interpreted to scripted languages, Perl can interface with Java too. A Perl module exists to allow Perl code to call Java byte code. Java's not the online language that Perl can call on this way. Typically for Perl its called "inlining".

Last, but not least, is the venerable Lisp language. Lisp is one of the oldest computer languages. But there is recent work that allows you to compile Lisp into the same byte code that Java gets compiled into. In addition to using the same virtual machine, Lisp compiled into the Java byte code can call other byte code.

With this variety of evidence how can you deny that Java is truly the best programming language out there?

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